
HI! This is my old blog! Please go to guyharrison.net.
This site contains links to material relevent to my professional life. I'm an IT professional with experience in a range of disciplines and technologies but probably best known for my involvement in databases such as Oracle, MongoDB and MySql and for my writings on emerging database technologies.
I'm CTO of Southbank Software where we develop ProvenDB - a blockchain enabled database service.I'm the author of Next Generation Databases, Oracle Performance Survival Guide, MySql Stored Procedure Programming (with Steven Feuerstein), Oracle SQL High Performance Tuning and Oracle Desk Reference, as well as contributing to several other books on database technology. I write a monthly columns at Database Trends and Applications and more occasional articles elsewhere.
I'm an Oracle ACE alumni and a MongoDB certified DBA and developer.
My blog contains occasional contributions of a technical nature and I can be contacted by email either at guy.a.harrison@gmail.com. I'm @guyharrison on twitter.
I live in Melbourne Australia with my wife Jenny in beautiful Kingsville. My adult children Chris, Kate, Emily and Michael and their partners, dogs, cats and killer rabbits live nearby.
In my spare time I worry about what on earth I'd do if I ever had any spare time.