10g time model query
Joining the 10g time model to the traditional wait interface views and taking advantage of the wait_class data is something most of us have probably done. Here's my standard queries that do that thing....
fCOLUMN wait_class format a20
COLUMN name format a30
COLUMN time_secs format 999,999,999,999.99
COLUMN pct format 99.99
SELECT wait_class, NAME, ROUND (time_secs, 2) time_secs,
ROUND (time_secs * 100 / SUM (time_secs) OVER (), 2) pct
FROM (SELECT n.wait_class, e.event NAME, e.time_waited / 100 time_secs
FROM v$system_event e, v$event_name n
WHERE n.NAME = e.event AND n.wait_class <> 'Idle'
AND time_waited > 0
SELECT 'CPU', 'server CPU', SUM (VALUE / 1000000) time_secs
FROM v$sys_time_model
WHERE stat_name IN ('background cpu time', 'DB CPU'))
ORDER BY time_secs DESC;
Which generates CPU and wait event times broken down to the event name:
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