On my way to Collaborate 2015

As I write this I’m at 35,000 ft (or so) on my way to yet another Collaborate. This year I’ll be presenting two sessions and participating in one panel:
963: Writing to Lead
Monday, April 13 | Banyan E, South Convention Center, Level 2
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Jonathan Gennick will be moderating a panel including myself, Bobby Curtis, Charles Kim, Darl Kuln and Michael Rosenblum. We’ll be talking about how writing – book, blogs, articles, twitter, etc – to best effect. The panel are all authors and hopefully between us we’ll have a lot of useful advise to offer the aspiring or existing book authors.
995: Top 5 Trends in Database Technology
Tue, Apr 14, 2015 (04:30 PM - 05:30 PM) : Banyan E
It’s been an amazing 5 years in database technology – we went from RDBMS for everything to Big Data, NoSQL, NewSQL and a lot of innovation within RDBMS as well. This talk covers 5 big technologies that are influencing Oracle and other database technologies. It includes some of my best recycled jokes as well hopefully some usefull technical content. There’s an article based on this presentation if you want a preview here.
442: Top 10 Oracle Database Tuning Tips and Techniques
Thu, Apr 16, 2015 (08:30 AM - 09:30 AM) : Palm B
Seasoned presenters know that for some reason “top 10” presentations somehow get accepted more readily than more abstract titles. Something to do with the impression of a concrete amount of information I suppose. But once you start giving a top 10 talk you quickly realize you can only budget 5 minutes at the most for each topic. But actually I feel pretty happy about this talk as a high level summary of the core concepts that I’ve picked up in 25 years of Oracle performance tuning. The main thing I’ve tried to accomplish in this talk is to organize the core concepts of performance tuning around a sensible tuning philosophy. I’m not assuming a great deal of Oracle tuning experience.
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