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Graph Lookup in MongoDB 3.3

Specialized graph databases such as Neo4J specialize in traversing graphs of relationships – such as those you might find in a social network.  Many non-graph databases have been incorporating Graph Compute Engines to perform similar tasks.  In the MongoDB 3.3 release, we now have the ability to perform simple graph traversal using the $graphLookup aggregation framework function.  This will become a production feature in the 3.4 release.

The new feature is documented in MongoDB Jira SERVER-23725.  The basic syntax is shown here:

   1: {$graphLookup:
   2:         from: <name of collection to look up into>,
   3:         startWith: <expression>,
   4:         connectFromField: <name of field in document from “from”>,
   5:         connectToField: <name of field in document from “from”>,
   6:         as: <name of field in output document>,
   7:         maxDepth: <optional - non-negative integer>,
   8:         depthField: <optional - name of field in output
   9:  documents>
  10:     }

Please go to to read the rest of this article (updated for MongoDB 3.6)

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